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About us is a leading Informational platform featuring reviews and posts from thousands of satisfied and unsatisfied students, and the only genuine place where they can share and discuss topics on Essay Writing Services, Writers, and Students in the UAE. brings together an aggregated experience of more than 13 years in the Writing and Editing Services in the field of academia.

Through years of experience in the industry, Writing and Editing Professionals became privy to the fact that many needy clients were scammed and lost huge amounts of funds as well as valuable time at the hands of dishonest service providers. This informed the formation of to play a moderating, informational and regulatory role and provide a platform where consumers and producers of knowledge would share.

This sharing has since helped in filtering scrupulous from unscrupulous actors in the market and ensured that clients get value for their money while saving on time. Since establishment, has remained committed to providing an open platform which is unencumbered and unfettered thereby providing opportunity to users to share feedback for services and products in the market.

This approach has led to honest feedback which as mentioned earlier has helped in keeping the industry in check and ensuring the market works for all genuine actors. We welcome you to share your feedback, raise questions, criticize or commend actors whether clients or service providers. This way, the market will have sufficient information to ensure holistic functionality including but not limited to honesty, security and quality of services. Thank you.